Cancellation Terms

The lead guest can cancel a booking up to 14 days before the booked arrival date and will receive a full refund of the booking cost. If you cancel with fewer than 14 days to go before your booked arrival date there is no refund. Please consider taking out travel insurance to over this eventuality.

We may cancel your booking at any time even after your stay has begun if we believe you or your guests are not adhering to these terms and conditions or are not acting reasonably.

In the unlikely event that we are forced to cancel your booking for our own reasons then we will aim to give you as much notice as possible and we will refund you what you have paid us for the booking. Please note that we will not be liable for any consequential losses or costs you incur as a result of us cancelling your booking and our liability to you is strictly limited to the refund of any payment you have already made to us. 

Payment details

Making a Booking To make a booking you must be over the age of 18. The person who makes the booking will be considered the lead guest even if you are not actually staying at the property or are making the booking on behalf of someone else. 

The prices shown on our website or quoted to you are applicable at that time only and are subject to change without notice. To secure a booking you will need to pay 100% of the full cost of the booking and no booking is confirmed until your payment is received by us in cleared funds. You can pay us by PayPal where this is available, Stripe credit and debit card or by electronic bank transfer to the bank account that we will specify to you. If a bank charges us a fee because of a problem with the payment you make to us then we reserve the right to request that the lead guest covers this cost. . 

Once you have made a booking we will only make a refund to you in accordance with the cancellation terms below. Please do contact us if you have any questions before you make a booking. 

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